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Happy Birthday to Moi!
It’s been about a week since I turned 60 (I know!), and I’m still celebrating. ‘Cause, why not? I don’t feel a day over 50, if that. I’m sure y’all understand exactly. What I’ve come to realize as I mature like a fine wine and/or a stinky cheese: you’re only as old as you feel. I keep working out and staying busy so that I can keep up with Emily and so that I can stick around for a long time (and embarrass her in front of her friends).
Part of my birthday celebration has been Joffe Books in the UK realizing a boxed set of Helen e-books for 99-cents, which includes a short Helen story called “Heaven and Helen.” So, even if you’ve read the books, 99-cents for the short story is a bargain! And, amazingly enough, after two weeks out (well, as of this moment), the Helen Evans Investigates anthology is still #1 in Mystery Anthologies on Amazon US. Crazy, huh? But so fun! Thanks to anyone/everyone who’s spent the 99-cents and helped make that happen!
And if you haven’t, but would like to…

Helen Evans Investigates Boxed Set on Amazon US
Helen Evans Investigates Boxed Set on Amazon UK
As if that’s not enough, Tantor Media has the audio-book for Come Helen High Water (my favorite Helen book!) specially priced at $8 through November 9. Click here if you’d like to see that deal.
Now back to my birthday celebrating, as Emily’s off school today. I think a movie is in order, since we’ve already celebrated with bowling, arcades, and lots of good food and fun with friends and family!

Thanks for hanging in there with me. I will write more books. I promise. My body might be 60, but my brain is still young! Oh, and don’t forget to vote either early in-person or on November 5. Rooting for joy and sanity to prevail!