Susan on the Web:
To Help Critters (Furry and Human):
- Books for Newborns (Advisory Board)
- APA of Missouri
- Crown Ridge Tiger Sanctuary
- Humane Society of Missouri
- Wild Bird Rehab Center
Alzheimer’s Info:
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In the Pink: How I Met the Perfect (Younger) Guy, Survived Breast Cancer, and Found True Happiness After 40
Susan McBride, author of The Cougar Club and Little Black Dress, opens her heart in this irresistible memoir about how she got married, got pregnant, and beat breast cancer—all after her 40th birthday. By turns deliciously funny and utterly poignant, In the Pink is definitely Susan’s story . . . but her experiences are parts of every woman’s journey.
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple Books

Updated April 2024
This December will be 18 years since my breast cancer diagnosis (knock on wood!).
When I was diagnosed, I was 42, madly in love, and a busy author writing books for HarperCollins and Random House. To say I was blind-sided is putting it mildly. I had never felt so healthy in my life. I exercised regularly, ate an almost vegetarian diet, and I rarely even caught a cold. My lump was palpable, but my mammogram was negative. My OB/Gyn thought it was just another of the cysts I was prone to getting. But I had a sense it wasn’t going away. I requested an ultrasound three months after the negative mammogram when I felt a prickle right on the spot, like it was saying, “Hey, get rid of me! I’m bad news!” That ultrasound lead to a biopsy which showed I had a rare form of breast cancer called pure mucinous carcinoma. My world turned upside-down the moment I got the call from my doctor saying, “I’m sorry. It’s not a cyst.” My knees wobbled. My brain went foggy.
To read the rest of the story, click here.
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